submissions are now closed
Submissions are open between February 1st and May 15th 2025
Places are limited! Be sure to submit your abstract on time and follow the guidelines to ensure your participation.
We are looking for contribution on 3D additive manufacturing from both industrial and academic researchers.
Some possible topics:
🧪 Reactivity, Rheology and Resolution in Light-Mediated Additive Manufacturing
🌱 Sustainable Additive Manufacturing
🔍 Extrusion-Based Processes
🧪 Powder Bed Fusion Processes
🧠 Additive Manufacturing in Biomedical and Health Sciences
🔍 Functional Materials and Devices for Emerging Technologies
💡 Integrated Technologies for Advanced and Multi-Modality Manufacturing
Submit your abstract here
All confirmed and unconfirmed speakers should submit their application and abstract following the guidelines
If you are a confirmed speakers, your photo and biography should appear in the SPEAKERS section. Even if your participation has already been registered, you must fill the form and follow the abstract template to provide your abstract proposition. Thank you for your collaboration!
Places are limited! Be sure to submit your abstract on time and follow the guidelines to ensure your participation.
Please, use this template to submit your abstract:
Please, submite your file as .doc or .docx and name it as following: Surname_abstract_3dam2025
Please, fill the form below to submit your application.
The form will be available starting from the first day of the open call.
You will receive an authomatic confirmation email after your submission. If you do not receive it, please contact the conference segretariat.